Category Archives: General

Combating Asthma: Tips From Fresno’s Top Respiratory Physician

According to the California Department of Public Health, 15.1% of California’s total population was diagnosed with asthma in 2019/2020. The highest percentage (16.6%) of these people are between the ages of 18 and 62. Young children are less likely to … Continue reading

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Protecting Yourself From Bug Bites and Allergic Reactions This Spring

San Diegans may not see the temperature extremes that people in northern climates experience, but it does warm up. That means insect activity increases and some of them can be downright annoying. Bites end up triggering allergic reactions in some … Continue reading

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How Allergy Shots in Fresno Can Transform Your Spring

The first three months of the year tend to be pretty rainy. Starting in April, things start to dry out and spring’s arrival gets people outside to enjoy the warmer, dry weather. However, spring’s arrival also means tree, grass, and … Continue reading

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Breathe Easy: Common Spring Allergens in Fresno and How to Combat Them

Spring is here, and it’s a welcome arrival. The weather has been a rollercoaster so far this year. February saw tremendous flooding and heavy winds. Now that April’s here, days are warm and nights are cooler. It’s perfect weather. However, … Continue reading

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