Category Archives: General

Managing Pet Allergies: Tips for a Comfortable Home with Pets

 Allergy treatments are essential. Premium Allergy & Respiratory Center has better solutions to ease allergies to cats, dogs, and other pets Continue reading

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The Connection Between Allergies and Asthma: What You Need to Know

Ask Dr. Sabry about newer allergy treatments like SLIT. SLIT is a sublingual allergy treatment where you place an allergen drop or tablet under your tongue. Continue reading

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Allergy Medication vs. Allergy Shots: Which Is Right for You?

If your allergies are severe or triggering asthma-like attacks or other dangerous symptoms, make an appointment with Premium Allergy’s team. Continue reading

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Common Medication Allergies to be Aware of: Signs and Symptoms

People experience allergic reactions to many things throughout their lives, some experience more severe allergies than others. There are allergies to plants and trees, foods and spices, and medications. Around 5% to 10% of adverse reactions to a medication are … Continue reading

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At-Home Allergy Treatment: Contactless Immunotherapy Solutions

Your immune system is designed to identify intrusions and fight them before they can do harm. With allergies, your immune system notices something new – food, insect venom, pollen, dust mites, mold/mildew spores, etc. – and gets to action. That … Continue reading

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Advancements in Allergy Treatments: What’s New in 2024

Premium Allergy & Respiratory Center offers several immunotherapies for allergies. Schedule an appointment for allergy testing and work with Dr. Sabry to find the best allergy treatment option for your specific allergies. Continue reading

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Busting Allergy Testing Myths With Fresno’s Top Allergist

If you feel alone as you suffer from allergies, please realize you’re not.  In the U.S., it’s estimated that 25.7% of adults have seasonal allergies. Another 13.5% have food and eczema/contact dermatitis, too. Women are more likely to have eczema … Continue reading

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Avoiding Outdoor Allergic Reactions: Tips for a Fun California Summer

Book an appointment with Premium Allergy & Respiratory Center. Dr. Angela Sabry is a board-certified allergy specialist helping Fresno-area residents. Continue reading

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Treating Asthma Symptoms During Fresno’s Hot Months

The team at Premium Allergy is here to help you breathe easier. Fill out the online form to book an appointment today. Continue reading

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Treating Allergies Without Needles- Suggestions from a California Allergist

Our California allergy doctor offers the insights you need to treat allergies effectively. Dr. Sabry also keeps updated on the latest treatments and technologies. Continue reading

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Addressing the Most Common Food Allergy Risks in Fresno Restaurants

Anaphylactic food reactions increased by 377% over a decade according to FAIR Health. With an increase of 316%, Californians were in second place. Maine’s increase of 391% was the largest. Food allergies are not something to mess with. For some, … Continue reading

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