Advancements in Allergy Treatments: What’s New in 2024

Advancements in Allergy Treatments: What’s New in 2024

Posted By:SSG Admin Posted On:08-Jul-2024

Scientists and medical professionals continually work to cure diseases. When a cure isn’t possible, safer, more effective treatments are another goal. Funding from both the National Institutes of Health and nonprofits ensures research in everything from cancer to dementia and viruses to allergies continues.

The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America says there are over 100 million people in the U.S. with some form of allergy, including seasonal allergies, insect stings, medicines, eczema, or food allergies. The rates break down to about 33% of all adults and 25% of all children in the U.S. When it comes to advancements in allergy treatments, what has happened so far in 2024?

Swiss Scientists Create a Cat Allergy Vaccine

A Swiss company developed a vaccine that’s given to a cat that neutralizes Fel D 1, the allergen found in cats that triggers allergic reactions in most people. The vaccine works by triggering a cat’s immune system to attack Fel d 1 protein and create antibodies in the process. In four studies, the HypoCat™ vaccinations didn’t cause any harm to the cats. The vaccine should be available throughout the U.S. by the end of the year.

Saiba Animal Health is also working on a similar vaccine but for dogs. It’s in the early stages of development. 

Type-2 Memory B Cells Remember Your Allergies

Some of the cells in your body, B cells, are supposed to make antibodies that help fight off infections. Those same cells also remember allergies and create antibodies when your body encounters that allergy. It’s those antibodies that trigger a reaction that is mild in some but severe in others.

By honing in on the specific cells, there’s a higher chance of finding the right treatment to block those cells. There’s also the chance of working out a way to reprogram those cells to do something else that’s not as reactive.

Piezo1 Proteins Lessen Allergic Reactions

A study at the Keck School of Medicine found that Type 2 innate lymphoid cells produce signals that drive inflammation and tightening of airways in allergic asthma. They also produce a protein known as Piezo1 that impacts the level of inflammation. 

When the levels of Piezo1 were higher with the help of a drug called Yoda1, inflammation lessened. Tests are ongoing to see how effective the same drug is on human immune cells.

Research Finds Omalizumab Treatments Improve Food Allergies

A National Institutes of Health study found the use of a specific asthma medication drastically improved the severity of food allergies in people. In this study, 180 patients with peanut allergies plus two or more other food allergies agreed to omalizumab injections or a placebo for up to 20 weeks. 

At the end of the study, 67% of the people who were given omalizumab injections showed no allergic reactions after eating 2 1/2 peanuts. Almost half were able to eat 25 peanuts before allergic reactions appeared. Injections must be given every two to four weeks.

As a result, the FDA approved the use of Xolair as a way to lessen severe reactions in cases of accidental exposure. It’s not intended to allow people with food allergies to start eating those foods.

Like any medical treatment or injection, there can be side effects.

  • Abdominal pain
  • Dizziness
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Joint and muscle aches
  • Rash at the injection site
  • Tiredness

Intralymphatic Immunotherapy is Gaining Traction

While intralymphatic immunotherapy isn’t new, it is finally gaining ground as a leading allergy treatment option. It’s an allergy shot that only requires three injections in the inguinal lymph node instead of under the skin. You go for three shots that are administered using an ultrasound to ensure the right location is chosen. They’re given a month apart, and you’re done.

Typical allergy shots have to be given in a series every week for upwards of five years. Because you have to go to your allergy doctor every week for years, it can be hard to stay on schedule. SLIT treatments are a prescription that you administer under your tongue. You have to take them daily for up to five years.

For people who are tired of getting treatments for years, intralymphatic immunotherapy is ideal. It’s three shots in all to get relief. Side effects are minimal and include:

  • Redness at the injection site
  • Scratchy throat

Artificial Intelligence Analyzes Data Faster Than Ever

One of the current, best methods for treating allergies is by making sure the allergens are properly diagnosed. Allergy testing involves taking a sample of blood and analyzing it to determine what affects you. It takes days to complete.

AI is being used in many areas and fields, and allergy testing is one area where it’s proving helpful. AI can analyze the blood within 10 minutes. AI can determine the allergens and build a treatment strategy much faster than a doctor can. With the test results in hand, doctors have more time to work with you on treatments until the most effective option is determined.

Sublingual Immunotherapy Treatments Don’t Require Injections

Are you scared or anxious when it comes to shots? Estimates find that about 66% of children and 25% of adults have needle phobia or anxiety. That can make it hard to get effective treatments for allergies.

SLIT treatments are ideal for adults and children who dislike needles. No injection is needed. Instead, the allergy treatment drops are placed under your tongue. It does require allergist testing with a board-certified allergist to ensure the formula is correct. 

Once you’ve undergone an allergy test and consultation, you can have the prescription drops or pills sent right to your home. You won’t have to keep visiting your allergy doctor every week. If you need to talk about any side effects you’re experiencing, which don’t tend to last more than a few treatments, a telehealth appointment is possible.

Side effects of sublingual immunotherapy treatments are usually limited to:

  • Congestion
  • Irritation on the lips, skin inside the mouth, or tongue
  • Itchy, red watery eyes
  • Nausea and abdominal cramping
  • Sneezing

All immunotherapy treatments can help with common allergies like:

  • Allergic asthma
  • Dust mite allergies
  • Hay fever (allergic rhinitis)
  • Insect sting allergies
  • Mold allergies
  • Pet allergies

Are you looking for new, effective treatments for your allergies? Whether you have food allergies, seasonal allergies, or allergies to common household problems like dust mites and mold, the team at Premium Allergy & Respiratory Center can help.

Premium Allergy & Respiratory Center offers several immunotherapies for allergies. Schedule an appointment for allergy testing and work with Dr. Sabry to find the best allergy treatment option for your specific allergies.